Have you ever been somewhere that you just KNEW was going to be amazing, and you thought you were totally prepared for it and adequately excited, but THEN when you actually arrived it was approximately one million times better than you ever imagined?
If not, I’ve got a quick solution for you: Lake Königssee.
Seriously, this place blew my mind.
I visited Lake Königssee at the tail end of my whirlwind trip through Germany. I had already spent some time soaking up the city vibes in Munich, staring slack-jawed at the regal beauty of Neuschwanstein, and falling in love with adorable and charming alpine towns like Fussen, Garmisch, and Ettal.
And during my time in each and every city and town, I remember thinking “Wow, this is even cooler than the last place! This is awesome! This is totally the BEST part of my trip.”
Oh, how naive I was.

My trip through Germany was a road trip (it was also my first time renting a car…overseas…solo…eek!) and I could feel the beginning of something special as I sped along the Autobahn towards Berchtesgaden past tiny towns and rolling green fields speckled with fat brown dairy cows.
As I drove eastward, the mountains grew taller, the roads grew steeper, the rivers grew wider, the towns grew sparser and smaller, and the trees grew greener.
When I finally arrived in Berchtesgaden, I knew that I was on the brink of something amazing, but I still wasn’t fully prepared. I was totally enthralled by Berchtesgaden, falling in love with its hilly town center, its rushing aquamarine river, and, of course, the scenic mountain views possible from literally every last angle.
I was totally hooked on this little mountain town, and I was so excited for my trip to Lake Königssee the following day.
But, not nearly as excited as I should have been.
Due to the terrain surrounding Lake Königssee, the only possible way to explore and hike the regions around the lake is to hop on an electric boat at the main pier near town, and get off at one of the stops further out across the lake (there are only two main stops, but by special request you can stop at other locations).
You cannot walk, hike or drive to these stops, and they do not offer accommodation. If you want to explore Königssee, you are 100% dependent on the schedule of the electric boats.
I caught the 8:30am boat per the suggestion of my guidebook (if you’ve ever visited Europe during peak season in the summer, this reasoning shouldn’t even require an explanation).
The morning air was refreshingly chilly–a welcome change from the uncharacteristically hot weather I had just experienced in Munich (it was 95 degrees during my entire stay in the city!)–and the sun wasn’t high enough in the sky to provide any additional warmth.
As the boat set off across the lake, the wind picked up and I sat shivering and staring out the window…and to be honest, I wasn’t totally blown away. The lake was pretty, as I been assured it would be, but because the sun wasn’t yet stretching over the mountains surrounding the lake, the water was so dark it almost looked black. Not the gorgeous clear blue-green color I had expected. And with the added wind chill, I was pretty uncomfortable, even with my layered clothing.
And again…I was so naive.
As we made our way across the lake and the sun began to rise, the water began to shimmer, and shifted from black, to dark blue, to sapphire. The town shore disappeared, and we found ourselves completely surrounded by mountains and cliffs so high that it looked more like we were in a fjord in Scandinavia rather than a mountain lake in Germany.
And then we arrived to the final and farthest stop, Salet.
As we rounded that final corner, sunlight was streaming down into the shallow waters, illuminating it so that it reflected a bright, emerald-green color. A waterfall ran down the face of a cliff directly opposite the boat stop across the lake, splashing into the deep waters below. And in every direction, towering rocky peaks, grassy hills and wildflowers were abundant.
Okay, this was not real.
This HAD to be a movie set, right? Something left over from that time they filmed The Sound of Music in the national park nearby? Right? RIGHT?!
I was so excited, I was actually giddy.
I was captivated, I was enchanted, I was delighted.
This was f*cking awesome.
I spent the next several hours frolicking around, snapping pictures of literally everything, remembering to take a moment to look around and say “damn” every ten minutes or so, and generally not accepting the fact that this was real life.
Everything was SO beautiful, it felt surreal.
And, since I had arrived so early, the place wasn’t completely packed with other tourists yet. I’m not really into solo hiking (I NEED that other person to motivate me…and to carry extra snacks) so I was ultra pleased to find that I didn’t even need to go venturing off into the hills on some trail to get away from it all…I already was away from it all.
Even if you’re not into hiking, this is the kind of place where you could totally walk a few paces off the main path, throw down a blanket and nom on some picnic foods while you read your Kindle. Actually, that sounds amazing and I’m a little peeved I didn’t think of that while I was there!
If you are into hiking, then you’re in for a treat! Although I didn’t do any hiking along Lake Königssee, I’m going to go ahead and vouch for the trails there. I mean, the views from the ground were already killer, so I can only imagine the views from up high! Even just looking at them I was tempted to go running off into the wilderness à la Maria von Trapp.
Either way, make sure to follow the signs along the main path to Lake Obersee–it’s only about a 10 minute walk and if I could do it in a dress, anyone can do it. Promise.
Also, if you’re interested in having THE freshest milk of your life, make your way to the little dairy farm near the Königssee lakeshore (you’ll see signs for “frisch alpenmilch“). For 2 euros you can purchase a glass of fresh milk, and for 2.50 you can purchase fresh buttermilk.
Now, being the farm n00b that I am, I had no idea what buttermilk was so I decided to purchase a big mug of it. I mean, it sounds delicious in theory, right?
I actually never drink milk–it really grosses me out, so I usually opt for almond milk if I’m in need of it. But, I’m all about living in the moment, and drinking a big ‘ole glass of sweet and creamy buttermilk on a dairy farm in the Alps was the definition of living in the moment, right?
There was no one else visiting the little farm but me, so I took my mug of milk and sat down in the shade at one of the picnic tables outside, with a perfect view of the lake and the mountains.
Well, turns out buttermilk is a type of fermented milk that can be left unrefrigerated for a while without turning bad. Thus, it was served warm. And, it was SO SOUR. And really, really, really thick.
Live and learn, right?
I took one sip and was so overwhelmed by the taste and consistency that I actually had to stop myself from spitting it back into my mug.
To put it bluntly, it was one of THE worst things I have literally ever tasted. Ever. EVER. And this is coming from the girl who ate bugs in Bangkok.
Unfortunately, I also had a HUGE mug of the stuff to finish off.

I was terrified of the owners of the farm thinking I was rude for not drinking it, so I sneakily poured 3/4 of the mug out into the grass and sat for 30 minutes or so just enjoying the view, sans buttermilk. Then I dropped my mug off at a table near the counter where you place your order and thanked the owner, explaining that “it was SO good, but I’m SO full.”
Hey, what a person doesn’t know can’t hurt them, right?
Anyways, if you happen to be a person who likes milk or (*shudder*) buttermilk, I totally recommend checking this place out because their stuff is fresh.
…Or, you know, they also sell beer. Prost!
Have you ever visited Lake Königssee? Have you ever been somewhere MORE magical than Königssee? Because if so, I totally need to hear about it ASAP!
Hahaha, buttermilk sounds…interesting, I can’t tell if I would like it or not (probably not!). The moment you mentioned reading your Kindle whith a picnic, I was like, Yes please, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life! Also, I’m realizing that despite growing up in a neighboring country, I am very ignorant about Germany – I had never even heard of that lake! However the hell not, when it looks like that?!
Camille recently posted…Wanderlust Instagrammy Awards: Bolivia in 30 Amazing Pictures
Hahaha yeah, I had high hopes for the buttermilk but it was NOT what I was expecting at all. I don’t even like thinking about it! And honestly Germany was SO amazing, I’m sure you would really love it too! I think it’s easy to pay less attention to the countries closest to your home country–like, lately I’ve heard a lot of really cool things about various places in Central America, and even though I can fly there in 2-3 hours from where I live, I’ve never been!
Everything about Lake Konigssee looks like it’s taken from a dream, I’d probably be pinching myself the whole time! It’s so crazy that you can only get there by boat. Your pictures of the house right on the lake seriously need to go on a postcard! Gross on the buttermilk, but at least you were nice about not liking it and sneakily disposed of it.
Ashley Lillis recently posted…Five Things Friday {Week 38}
I know, I seriously was so in awe of every last detail. I wish I could go back right now! And yeah, the buttermilk taste was a bit of a shock but at least I didn’t have to hurt anyone’s feelings about it haha.
I am pretty sure my heart stopped a little bit at the picture with the river leading to the mountain. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL. Those colors are so vibrant! Sidenote: your buttermilk story has excellent timing. I was just talking to one of my friends the other day and we realized we didn’t actually know what buttermilk was. Thanks to Google and your story, I might stick with the beer. 😉
Amanda | Chasing My Sunshine recently posted…US Road Trip Stop: The Grand Canyon
Thanks! It was so beautiful there, it was all too easy to get good pictures haha. And I sincerely wish I had done a quick Google search for buttermilk before deciding to try it for myself! Definitely stick with the beer!!
Buttermilk. Lol. There are buttermilk-flavored candies which I like so quite surprised that it’s actually sour. :p
Your photos look so dreamy and the place looks surreal! Adding it to my bucket list.
Pinay Flying High recently posted…Doha, Qatar: Getting Over the Post-Holiday Blues at Market by Jean-Georges at W Hotel
It was a super dreamy-looking place for sure!
The buttermilk story made me laugh and holy wow these photos! I’ve had that feeling you are talking about once before, when I was on my way to see the Point Lobos State Reserve. Like I knew it was going to be pretty great, I had seen photos and I just knew it. But then I actually ARRIVED there and it kept on being more amazing with every single step. It still doesn’t look real and I feel like photos will never do that place justice. Not ever.
Naomi recently posted…July updates and must-read articles!
That’s exactly how I felt! It was just surreal and I was so excited the entire time I was there.
It was really fun to read your article. Your excitement pours from every line. And it makes me even look more forward to my trip in August. I haven’t been there yet and I hope I will have fantastic weather just the way you had. Lovely photos! I can’t wait to get there myself and get my camera very busy. Buttermilch …. oh yes, poor girl! I don’t like it either.
Greetings from Cologne
Thanks so much! I hope you have an amazing time during your trip in August–I’m sure you will!!
Your trip looks absolutely stunning! I haven’t yet made it down to Konigsee! Its definitely on my list and this has just pushed it to the top of my must-do things while living in Bavaria! 🙂
Do it, do it!! You’re going to love it, it was one of my favorite things I did in the whole region!
I have to say, I have looked at this post several times and drool every time. And today I find myself looking at it again as screaming crying children, loud mopeds and angry foreigners yell down the busy street I live on and all I want to do is run away to the hills to somewhere just totally peaceful and away from people. I feel like I’m going to burst out and yell at someone to shut the heck up! Sounds terrible but I’ve really had enough and my bf and I are trying to move soon to Aachen. I hope we can find something a tad more quiet, but not without seeing Konigsee!
Honestly, it sounds like Konigssee would be the perfect solution for your troubles haha. Maybe you should make a quick escape there–it was SO quiet and peaceful!
I’ve just booked our trip there for early October! Im hoping the fall will be in full bloom then! Also, hoping to catch a Almatrieb showing while we are there!! I cant wait! Your post honestly pushed me over the limit and I couldn’t resist not going anymore! We once went to Berechtesgaden for the Eagle’s Nest house but didn’t have time to stop and see/do anything else so I look forward to checking out the lakes, cows and mountains. I need a total technology detox. Just some peace and quite after a pretty hectic year so far!
YAY that’s so exciting!! You’re going to have a blast, and it’s the perfect place for a technology detox…although, I really hope you’ll be writing about your experience there afterwards so I can re-live my visit 🙂
HOLY SMOKES. This place looks absolutely amazing! And I love the way you wrote about it. Soo cool!!
It WAS super amazing! Still one of my favorite stops on my Germany trip!
Hahahah your buttermilk story is classic! So nice of you to discretely pour it out though
Hahah yeah, I definitely didn’t want to offend anyone by not drinking it, so that seemed to be the best solution!
I want to ask about the Obersee lake . It’ takes about 10 minutes to reach there. 10 minutes from where ? Konigsee lake ? Or somewhere else ? Thanks ☺
It’s 10 minutes from the Salet/Obersee dock on Lake Konigssee, i.e. not the main dock near the hotels, you need to take the boat to get there. It’s the farthest stop on the lake and it’s BEAUTIFUL! Definitely recommend visiting 🙂