Home to over 40,000 Buddhist temples and a 95% Buddhist population, Thailand is considered the most Buddhist country in the world.
This religion has become a deeply ingrained and highly important part of Thailand’s culture, and is apparent in almost all aspects of Thai life. It’s all but impossible to walk down a street in Bangkok without stumbling across yet another temple, catching a glimpse of monk crossing the road, or smelling the sweet, smoky aroma of burning incense.
Having visited several of Thailand’s most epic, iconic temples as well as many lesser-known ones, I am continuously fascinated by the mystery, meaning, and design of Thailand’s temples.
Have you ever visited a Buddhist temple in Thailand or elsewhere? Do you have a favorite?
The decorations on those roofs are a lot more colorful than the ancient temples of Siem Reap Cambodia, but they still have the same sort of architectural design. It’s amazing to see the similarities and differences!
Yeah, I was surprised to see how colorful the temples in Thailand were, especially in Bangkok. They reminded me of candy, hahah 🙂 I would love to see some of those ancient temples in Cambodia too!
After seeing two in Phuket, I got somewhat “templed out”! 🙂 But they really are so beautifully and intricately made. I love the first set of temples in your photo collection. What temple was that?
Haha, I’ve heard that most people feel that way after seeing temples in Southeast Asia–it happened to my boyfriend when we were there as well, but I feel like I can never get enough of temples, churches, castles, etc.
The first four (as well as the “intro” picture) are from the Grand Palace in Bangkok. It was super beautiful!
Wow, it is indeed Grand! Hopefully the next time I visit Thailand, Bangkok should be on the itinerary. I will probably try to make sure to have a breather in between temple visits just to keep that interest going. 🙂
I love your pictures!! The colors of these temples are seriously insane. I’m hoping to go to Thailand soon, it looks so beautiful.
Thank you!! I hope you get the chance to visit Thailand soon too, its incredible! 🙂
I’m DYING to go to Bangkok! I’m really interested in traveling to Southeast Asia in general, but Thailand specifically seems so awesome. These temples are gorgeous!
Yeah, Bangkok really surprised me. I was mostly interested in seeing Northern Thailand before I went, and almost didn’t spend much time in Bangkok–but I’m so glad I did!