Who doesn’t love scrolling through Instagram and stumbling across an unfamiliar account with absolutely captivating travel, nature, and wildlife images?
Instagram is one of my favorite tools for finding new travel destination inspiration and planning out my trips, and nothing is more exciting than when I discover a new account with exactly the type of information I’ve been searching for.
So, I’ve rounded up 50 of my favorite inspiring travel accounts to follow on Instagram! These are all accounts that I personally follow and love; some have massive followings while others are a bit smaller, and some focus more on the art of photography itself while others are all about personalizing their captions and telling stories. For me, all of that diversity is exactly what makes this group of travel accounts so wonderful!
There’s no order to this list, so make sure to check them all out below:
1. The Wandering Blonde
Hey, did you really think I wasn’t going to include myself in this list?! #ShamelessSelfPromotion
Instagram is my FAVORITE way to stay connected with the other bloggers I follow and share my latest adventures, so go on and check out my profile. I’ll wait 😉
2. Globetrotting Ginger Travel
A photo posted by Aubrie ✈ Globetrotting Ginger (@globetrotting_gingertravel) on
Aubrie shares some truly gorgeous shots of her adventures on her Instagram…but I can never decide what’s more stunning: those incredible landscapes in front of her, or her beautiful red hair!
3. Heart My Backpack
This village is called Roligheten, which translates to The Calm. Pretty perfect, don’t you think?
A photo posted by Silvia Lawrence (@heartmybackpack) on
Silvia has traveled to some pretty amazing destinations, but she’s really known for her breathtaking photos of Norway. If you like ridiculously scenic and cozy mountain towns (who doesn’t?) you’ll definitely want to give this account a follow.
4. Still That Girl
Anne’s wild spirit and adrenaline-junkie ways are oh-so apparent through her Instagram photos. If you have even the slightest fear of heights, you’ll definitely find yourself needing to catch your breath every now and then as you scroll through her feed.
5. Alex in Wanderland
A photo posted by Alexandra Baackes (@alexinwanderland) on
Alex has one of those blogs that I just can’t get enough of, and her Instagram account is just as captivating. Her photos are bright, colorful, and cheery, and I love how her personality and voice shines through in each post.
6. Never Ending Footsteps
A photo posted by ✈️ Lauren Juliff (@nefootsteps) on
Lauren is a long-term traveler who has been making her way around the world for years. She’s got plenty of amazing photos and stories to share, but lately she’s been sharing images of her recent stint in the South Pacific, and they get me every time!
7. The Bosnian Aussie
A photo posted by Travel Blogger || Ariana Kajic (@thebosnianaussie) on
Bosnia is a country I’m just dying to visit, and I can’t stop checking out Ariana’s gorgeous photos of the country where she was born. Her photos of Mostar are just stunning!
8. Traveling Gold
A photo posted by Traveling Gold (@travelinggold) on
Four friends traveling the world together – what’s not to love? Every time I scroll through this account, I find myself dreaming of less solo travel and more girls getaways!
9. Overland the Americas
A photo posted by Overland The Americas (@overlandtheamericas) on
“Obsessed” is a good word to describe how I feel about Taisa & Ernesto’s Instagram account. They recently traveled throughout North and South America in their Toyota 4Runner, and are continuing to post gorgeous photos of their adventures.
10. Young Adventuress
A photo posted by Liz Carlson (@youngadventuress) on
You’ll usually find Liz sharing incredible photos of her new home country New Zealand, but occasionally she’ll throw in images from trips to far-off destinations like Svalbard or the Maldives. Wherever she’s posting from, you can be sure her photos are filled with action and adventure.
11. Expert Vagabond
A photo posted by Matthew Karsten (@expertvagabond) on
Matthew is an incredible photographer who posts seriously beautiful and detailed images of natural landscapes. He’s definitely all about the adventure travel, and it shows in his Instagram account.
12. Hippie in Heels
I wish I could have a meal like this delivered to me in Goa 🤗 It was so tasty!
A photo posted by Rachel Jones ✈ Hippie in Heels (@hippieinheelsblog) on
Rachel is a travel blogger who lives in Goa, India, and can usually be found posting images of tropical beaches and swoon-worthy poolsides. Plane ticket to Goa, anyone?
13. Ordinary Traveler
A photo posted by Christy Woodrow 🌴 (@ordinarytraveler) on
Christy is an award-winning photographer who posts amazing photos from around the globe. From romantic European cities to the colorful deserts of the United States, her account can provide some serious inspiration.
14. Whiskey Tango Globetrot
A photo posted by Spencer Spellman (@spencerspellman) on
Spencer is always sharing images from his latest and greatest outdoor adventures, and I can’t get enough. If you love lusting after photos of Lake Tahoe and the California coast as much I do, you’ll be hooked on Spencer’s photos.
15. Camels and Chocolate
Alps, y’all! 🏔 // 📷 by @scottyvsquared
A photo posted by Kristin Luna (@lunaticatlarge) on
Kristin’s travel photos are colorful, fun, and high-quality – all ingredients necessary for a truly stunning and captivating Instagram account. I love how she always seems to be laughing, smiling, and having a good time in her photos, too!
16. Be My Travel Muse
A photo posted by Kristin Addis (@bemytravelmuse) on
Kristin’s photos are so detailed, clear, and crisp, you’ll almost feel as if you’re there with her as you scroll through her feed. Her account is chock full of pretty landscape and nature photos, and you’ll be itching for a trip to the great outdoors after checking out her account.
17. Round the World Girl
Q: What did the dad buffalo say to his son when he left for college? A: bi-son 😂😂😂
A photo posted by Elise 🚁 (@roundtheworldgirl) on
Elise has amassed quite the following on her Instagram account, and it’s no secret why – her photos are jaw-droppingly stunning! The lighting in her photos is absolutely to-die-for.
18. Anna Everywhere
A photo posted by Anna ✈ AnnaEverywhere (@anna.everywhere) on
As much as I love seeing pretty landscape and architectural photos, I also enjoy following travel bloggers who are actually IN their photos…and that’s exactly what I love about Anna’s account! Her photos feel very warm, personable, and relatable, which I absolutely adore.
19. Jetset Christina
A photo posted by Christina Vidal (@jetsetchristina) on
Christina’s photos are colorful, fun, and just a bit glamorous. Anyone who finds as many beautiful, crystal clear bodies of water to lounge by as this girl does is someone who I need to start learning from!
20. Adventurous Miriam
A photo posted by Miriam – Travel Blogger ✈️ (@adventurousmiriam) on
I’m captivated by Miriam’s colorful, larger-than-life photos. Her lighting is always so on-point, and she makes every destination she photographs look worth a visit.
21. Camille in Wonderlands
A photo posted by Camille in Wonderlands (@camwonderlands) on
Camille has been on the road for 3 years, and I love keeping up with her adventures as she bounces from one destination to the next. I always turn to Camille’s account when I’m looking for unique, off-the-beaten-path travel inspiration!
22. Department of Wandering
A photo posted by Rachel Bale (@departmentofwandering) on
Rachel’s photos are always so beautiful and perfectly composed, but in a way that feels effortless and carefree (girl, teach me your ways!). I love the bright, airy feel of her photos…and she goes to some pretty incredible destinations, too!
23. The Belle Abroad
A photo posted by the belle abroad | caroline (@thebelleabroad) on
Caroline is a southern belle living it up in London, and her Instagram account is filled with pretty, colorful, feminine photos of European destinations. Plus, she is the ultimate in #hairgoals !
24. Exploraddict
A photo posted by m a x i m e 🌎 s e n i o r (@exploraddict) on
Maxime has a true eye for color and design, and her account is a treat to scroll through. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but seriously – go check out her Instagram feed, and you’ll see what I mean. It’s incredibly unique!
25. Curiosity Travels
If a road could be a masterpiece, this would be it.
A photo posted by Jessica Wray (@curiositytrav) on
Jessica has been working as a tour guide in the U.S. for a while now, and her photos ALWAYS make me want to pack my bags and head off on a never-ending road trip through the U.S. If you enjoy looking at photos of mountains, lakes, pine trees, deserts, and other wild landscapes, you’ll love Jessica’s account.
26. Unlocking Kiki
My kind of wine Wednesday 🍷💁🏼😊 #unlockingiceland
A photo posted by Kaelene – American in Iceland (@unlockingkiki) on
Kaelene’s account is filled with wanderlust-inducing photos of Iceland (where she now lives with her handsome “Viking”). Not only have her photos convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I NEED to visit Iceland ASAP, but also that I need to drink wine while watching the sunset from a hot spring when I go.
27. WanderluStyle
A photo posted by WanderluStyle ✈️🌎 Travel Blog (@wanderlustyleblog) on
The lovely Mary and Reid have been featured on this blog once before, and I still can’t get enough of their amazing adventures around Hawaii. They take beautiful action and landscape shots of their gorgeous home state, and their feed has me dreaming of an island getaway.
28. Get Lost With Jackie
One last one from Rovinj while I highlight Croatia. Because, Rovinj.🍃💛💙🇭🇷
A photo posted by Jackie • Solo World Traveler (@getlostwithjackie) on
Jackie’s travel photos are clean, sharp, colorful, bright, and such a joy to look at. Not only does she go to some truly beautiful locations, but she knows how to capture the moment and share it with her followers so well. I’m hooked!
29. World Within Sight
A photo posted by Madeleine Collins ✈️📷🌎 (@worldwithinsight) on
How adorable is Madeleine?! She shares gorgeous photos of her jaunts around Europe, and her captions are always full of personality and/or helpful information. Definitely a treat to follow!
30. Vacation Couple
A photo posted by Kristin & Shadi 🇨🇦 Toronto (@vacationcouple) on
Kristin and Shadi definitely know how to have fun when they travel! Their Instagram feed is filled with colorful, action-packed images, and both halves of this traveling duo always seem to be smiling and laughing. Oh, and did I forget to mention the countless tropical landscapes and gorgeous sunsets?!
31. Girl vs. Globe
Sabina’s photos are dreamy, whimsical, and flawlessly styled. She’s been killin’ it in the Instagram game for a while now, and her crisp, beautiful travel images will leave you wanting more.
32. One World Just Go
When your morning walk looks something like this.
A photo posted by Tanya | One World Just Go (@oneworldjustgo) on
I can’t decide what I’m more obsessed with – the destinations that Tanya travels to, or her amazingly on-point outfits! Pool villas in Bali, smoothies and fresh platters of fruit, breezy maxi dresses and rompers…this is the stuff wanderlust daydreams are made of.
34. Gringa Journeys
A photo posted by Leah ✈️ GringaJourneys.com (@leahshoup) on
I love how Leah’s photos always seem have that little something extra that makes them really POP. You’ll rarely find a simple landscape photos on this account; Leah always throws in a fun pose, colorful prop, or unique angle to make her photos stand out from the crowd.
35. That Backpacker
A photo posted by ✈ Audrey Bergner Jeffery ✈ (@thatbackpacker) on
What I love about following Audrey is that her voice and personality always shine through in both her photos and her captions. It seems that she’s always off on a new and exciting adventure, and I love following along and seeing where life will take her next.
36. The Blog Abroad
A photo posted by Glo ✈ TheBlogAbroad.com (@glographics) on
Glo’s account is probably filled with more humor, personality, and jealousy-inducing outfits than any other Instagram account I follow. I’ve literally laughed out loud at some of her captions, and the fact that she always looks like she’s having an absolute blast while traveling makes me so happy.
37. Paper Planes Blog
A photo posted by Alana | Paper Planes (@paperplanesblog) on
Alana’s Instagram account is a true work of art. Her lighting is always so dreamy and magical, and she has a knack for capturing scenery from exactly the right angle.
38. Tieland to Thailand
A photo posted by Thailand Travel Blog 🇹🇭 (@tielandtothailand) on
Chris and Angela are living the real-life dream of so many Americans: they quit their jobs, sold all of their belongings, and left behind their busy lifestyles in the U.S. to move to Chiang Mai, Thailand. They share incredible photos of Thailand and the rest of Southeast Asia, and I can’t help but get nostalgic for the Land of Smiles whenever one of their photos pops up on my feed.
39. Travel Freak
A herd of camels cross the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan 🐪🐪
A photo posted by Jeremy Scott Foster 🌍🏃 (@travelfreak_) on
Jeremy is a true adventurer and a talented photographer, which makes for one awesome Instagram account. I love his photo-journalistic style of images, and the way his photos feel so visceral and true-to-life.
40. Jones Around the World
A photo posted by Dave ~ Jones Around the World (@jonesaroundtheworld) on
Dave has one of those accounts where you can’t help but to be sucked in, and want to scroll through his entire feed. His photos are colorful and have a larger-than-life type of feel that’s oh-so addicting.
41. The Blonde Abroad
Kiersten is stylish, bubbly, and definitely knows how to have a good time when she travels. From scuba diving to music festivals to beach getaways, she’s #travelgoals for a lot of 20-something travelers.
42. A Gemini in Wanderlust
A photo posted by Shelly💖💟💞 (@agemini_inwanderlust) on
Shelly is the traveler and photographer behind one of the first travel accounts I ever started following on Instagram, and I still love keeping up with her many adventures. This girl has been all over the world, and her photos are a true reflection of her adventurous spirit.
43. Peak Project
…Speaking of an adventurous spirit, Caitlin has hands-down one of the most inspiring and motivating accounts on this list. She’s constantly climbing mountains, hiking through lush forests, exploring waterfalls, and checking out amazing views. And luckily for us, she’s capturing it all on camera and sharing her many adventures with the world!
44. Carebear Abroad
A photo posted by 🦄Carey Carpenter🌎Traveler (@carebearabroad) on
Carey has traveled to 57 countries around the globe, and her account is filled with inspiring travel photos and stories. I’ve been absolutely addicted to following her recent adventures in Africa!
45. Suitcase and I
A photo posted by Suitcase And I 🔹 Chelsie 🙋🏽 (@suitcaseandi) on
Chelsie is another traveler and photographer known for making her photos look oh-so beautiful and out of the ordinary. Maybe it’s her amazing outfits, or her dreamy surroundings, or her perfectly composed shots, but she’s got a real talent for sharing her adventures around the globe.
46. Tour de Lust
If only life was always this peaceful 🌲#Alaska
A photo posted by Christine ✩ Travel & Lifestyle (@tourdelust) on
Christine’s photos have a breezy, soft, delicate edge to them. Not only does she scout out some awesome travel destinations, but she knows how to photograph them and make them look wonderfully enchanting.
47. Steph Be Travel
A photo posted by Stephanie Be | TravelBreak (@stephbetravel) on
Stephanie has totally nailed the art of being inspiring, feminine, adventurous, and true-to-herself all at the same time. Although she has a large following, her account still feels personable and real, which I totally love.
48. Travelling Weasels
A photo posted by Tanbay + Laura (@travellingweasels) on
Tanbay and Laura are a totally adorable couple traveling the world together, and sharing their adventures on their Instagram account. Their travel style combines luxury with adventure, and they share all sorts of practical tips and interesting tidbits.
49. A Dangerous Business
Amanda knocks it out of the park with all of her photos, but I’m especially a fan of her wildlife and landscape photos. Her photos are detailed and realistic, and I love how she shares so much useful background information in all of her captions.
50. Renee Roaming
A photo posted by Renee Hahnel (@reneeroaming) on
Last (but most certainly not least!!), Renee is a truly talented travel photographer who shares amazing nature photos on her account. Her images are nothing short of magical, and will make you want to head into the wilderness and embark on an unforgettable adventure.
Do you follow any of these amazing travel accounts on Instagram? Do you have any more to recommend?
Thanks so much for including me on this list of amazing Instagrammers! So many beautiful accounts I need to go follow now!
You’re so welcome! Thanks for posting so many beautiful photos! 🙂
I follow most of these accounts as well! Their photos are always so gorgeous! Great selection of Instragram accounts, and I especially liked that you added a little personal touch too!
Dominique recently posted…Rotterdam – Van Nelle Factory
Thanks Dominique! There are so many good ones out there, it was actually hard to narrow it down to 50 haha
LOVE this list. Thanks so much for the mention! 🙂 So many amazing travelers out there.
Of course! It was an easy decision to include you 🙂
Thanks so much for the inclusion! Some great company to be with.
No problem at all, Spencer! Love following along and seeing all of your photos!
Thank you so much for including me 🙂 ill be sure to check out the other great instagrammers 🙂
You’re very welcome! 🙂 Love seeing all of your gorgeous photos.
Thank you so much for including me! I’ve found lots of fun new accounts to follow, as well.
You’re so welcome, Kristin! 🙂
What a great list! Thanks so much for including @departmentofwandering in this list! Up there with some very great company. Can’t wait to check out some of the other accounts!
You’re very welcome, Rachel! Love following along on your account 🙂
Great article!
We recently published a list of the 100 coolest Instagram accounts based on different criteria too.
From landscapes to creativity, you can find it here: http://www.aworldtotravel.com/the-coolest-instagram-accounts-out-there/
aworldtotravel recently posted…The Iceland Road Trip Itinerary You Were Looking For. 50 Key Stops + Map
That’s awesome! You definitely included some epic accounts on that list!
Looks like we have the same Instagram taste! Soo many of my favorites are on this list, so I was extra touched to be included. You’re so sweet!
Of course, Silvia! Your Instagram is one of my faves 🙂
Wow thanks so much for including me on this list, that’s amazing! And thankyou for finding me some new awesome accounts to follow, I’m clearly going to be busy for the next few hours x
You’re welcome! 🙂 Your photos are always so so so beautiful!
Oh thanks darl, as are yours!!!
Love this list! Thanks for a bunch of new inspiration to follow <3 You never disappoint!
Lauren recently posted…11 Things I Wish I Had Known Before My First Trip To Ghana
Thanks Lauren!! 🙂
So excited you posted this list, I’m always looking for new and inspiring accounts to follow!! 🙂 x
Culture Passport recently posted…8 Major Differences Between Life in France & New York
Thanks, I love following new accounts too!!
I loved this so much! I’m so honored to have been included and I found so many new accounts to follow on this post!
Thanks Leah!! 🙂
Great list! Already follow many of these including you! 🙂 Found some new ones to follow too!
Lolo recently posted…An Intensive Beginner’s Guide to Louisville, Kentucky
Yay, thanks!! Glad you found a few new accounts to enjoy 😀
Love all of these! We follow most of them.
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